Register and activate your account by clicking on the confirmation link sent to your email.
Once done, you (or your website administrator) need to add a new superuser to your WordPress website by following the instructions send in our last email.
If you need help with this step, our support team will be glad to help you.
We will be notified when the new admin account is successfully created and we will start auditing and managing your website.
Register and activate your account by clicking on the confirmation link sent to your email.
Once done, you (or your website administrator) need to add a new superuser to your WordPress website by following the instructions send in our last email.
If you need help with this step, our support team will be glad to help you.
We will be notified when the new admin account is successfully created and we will start auditing and managing your website.
We make a first backup of your actual website settings, files and plugins so you can rollback anytime.
Run the first audit of your actual site. WordPress Core, plugins, performance, SEO, and security reporting.
Execute a first security scan to remove malware and suspicious files, secure your site for hacks.
Safely update your site, plugins, and themes. Optimise Performance, SEO, and security
Our dev team will manage your site and schedule automatic update, backups and reports.
We make a first backup of your actual website settings, files and plugins so you can rollback anytime.
Run the first audit of your actual site. WordPress Core, plugins, performance, SEO, and security reporting.
Execute a first security scan to remove malware and suspicious files, secure your site for hacks.
Safely update your site, plugins, and themes. Optimise Performance, SEO, and security
Our dev team will manage your site and schedule automatic update, backups and reports.
We make a first backup of your actual website settings, files and plugins so you can rollback anytime.
Run the first audit of your actual site.
WordPress Core, plugins, performance, SEO, and security reporting.
Execute a first security scan to remove malware and suspicious files, secure and start to monitor your site for hacks.
Safely and securely update your site, plugins, and themes. Optimise Performance, SEO, and security
Our dev team will manage your site and schedule automatic update, backups and reports.
After creating the new administrator account, you’ll receive a third email with a link to join the hub, our professional client portal where you have controlled access to your sites, account, and can make secure card payments.
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